It’s not loud, but it’s annoying--your tires are noisy. What could possibly cause this? To answer this question, a tire service, including a rotation service, is most likely needed. Your car’s weight distribution, brakes, and accidental curb contact all play a role in excessive tire noise. Rotating your tires will improve traction, allowing the tread to wear more evenly, and help your tires to last longer.
What is the cause of excessive tire noise? Here are three possibilities to consider:
- Abnormal tire wear, such as feathering or cupping, can be caused by alignment and suspension problems. In turn, feathering and cupping generate noise because the tread surface is no longer smooth. It would be a waste of your money to buy new tires unless you have the suspension and alignment corrected first.
- Tread separation and shifted belts (common results of defective construction), over-inflation, and hitting potholes and curbs, leading to an out-of-round or out-of-balance tire can also cause tire noise.
- Tire scuffing. This can occur when the alignment angles don’t keep the wheels aligned in a turn, forcing one tire to scuff sideways instead of rolling forward. The same noise can be caused by very low tread depth on your tires. Combined with excessive speed, this can lead to tire squealing and possibly a loss of traction.
In summary, ensure your tires are properly inflated, slow down in turns, and have your vehicle’s suspension checked for damage and the alignment corrected.
Want to get rid of noisy tires? Contact our ASE Certified technicians today at Elk River Tire & Auto for more information about tire service and to schedule an appointment. Our auto shop in Elk River, MN proudly serves residents in the areas of Zimmerman, and Otsego, Minnesota.

It’s not loud, but it’s annoying--your tires are noisy. What could possibly cause this? To answer this question, a tire service, including a rotation service, is most likely needed. Your car’s weight distribution, brakes, and accidental curb contact all play a role in excessive tire noise. Rotating your tires will improve traction, allowing the tread to wear more evenly, and help your tires to last longer.
What is the cause of excessive tire noise? Here are three possibilities to consider:
- Abnormal tire wear, such as feathering or cupping, can be caused by alignment and suspension problems. In turn, feathering and cupping generate noise because the tread surface is no longer smooth. It would be a waste of your money to buy new tires unless you have the suspension and alignment corrected first.
- Tread separation and shifted belts (common results of defective construction), over-inflation, and hitting potholes and curbs, leading to an out-of-round or out-of-balance tire can also cause tire noise.
- Tire scuffing. This can occur when the alignment angles don’t keep the wheels aligned in a turn, forcing one tire to scuff sideways instead of rolling forward. The same noise can be caused by very low tread depth on your tires. Combined with excessive speed, this can lead to tire squealing and possibly a loss of traction.
In summary, ensure your tires are properly inflated, slow down in turns, and have your vehicle’s suspension checked for damage and the alignment corrected.
Want to get rid of noisy tires? Contact our ASE Certified technicians today at Elk River Tire & Auto for more information about tire service and to schedule an appointment. Our auto shop in Elk River, MN proudly serves residents in the areas of Zimmerman, and Otsego, Minnesota.